The CHT works in creative partnership with developers, builders, government and lenders.
The development of affordable housing requires multiple stakeholders to come together to work towards a common goal. This can take many forms. In some cases, developers of new or existing projects will work with the CHT to provide “scattered site” homes that are sprinkled in and amongst market-rate units. In other circumstances, the CHT will acquire land and contract with a builder to develop that property. These may be townhomes, duplexes, triplexes, or multi-family for ownership or rental. Each opportunity may be different. The goal is to establish a diverse and ever-increasing inventory of homes that are permanently restricted to low-income households. The CHT maintains that affordability.
The CHT is seeking out project opportunities where we can bring our resources to bear. This includes foundation and government grants, private fundraising, and other financial resources. The CHT can bring qualified buyers with approved mortgages to the table, lowering marketing and management time and expense for developers. We provide homebuyer education and home ownership education, making sure families are ready and able. The CHT can also assist with the public approval process with local government.
Developers and builders are encouraged to contact the CHT about any opportunities they may have. If you want to be kept informed on opportunities, please contact us and we’ll add you to our database.
Donors or Investors are encouraged to give directly to the construction of homes via our Bricks & Mortar Campaign, making sure that funds go to building permanently affordable homes, not administrative expenses. If you have funds that you would like to invest in our efforts, and get a small return on your investment, contact us to learn about our Impact Investment Fund.