Shane Basford's Story
Shane grew up in Sterling, Colorado and went to school for Sports Management at the University of Nebraska - Kearney. After working with Kearney Park and Recreation for three years after graduation, he decided to move to Buena Vista to take the position as the Recreation Program Coordinator here for the Town. Shane said that being closer to family was a big factor in wanting to move back to Colorado as ever since he was a kid, he has been extremely close with his extended family.
Shane rented a place in Buena Vista for a while but wanted to find longer-term and more complete housing. Upon seeing a flyer for Chaffee Housing Trust, he decided to call and was able to work with our staff to be ready for homeownership. The process took about a year, in no small part to the 2018 government shutdown that delayed the loan approval for a bit, but now Shane is happily moved into the Farm at Buena Vista. He enjoys having more space to invite friends over and a guest room for when family visits. Shane said The Farm has really expanded recently and enjoys having neighbors that are “super cool and chill”.
When asked what advice he would give for people who might be interested in Chaffee Housing Trust’s programs he said, “If people are looking to stick around and have a place of their own it’s something they should look into”. He elaborated by saying there is really no downside to the application process besides just having to do the work. Here at the Chaffee Housing trust, we are lucky to have Shane be part of our community and are extremely excited to check out everything BV Rec has to offer.